Editorial: One Earth, One Family, One Future
The Group of Twenty (G20) brings together world’s major advanced and emerging economies. The G20 members represent around 85% of global GDP, over 75% of global trade and about two-thirds of world population. The theme of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’ of G20 2023, under Presidency of India was very apt, as it signaled need of purpose and unity of action of all member countries for better future of the world. Read More
US Quest for an American Order in West Asia to maintain its Regional and Global Primacy
The West Asia sits at the strategic centre of the global geopolitics and therefore, geopolitical changes and shifts in any parts of globe find reflection in the region and the vice versa. The region has assumed utmost strategic importance in the US policy in the post-World War II period with its Cold war strategy, Presidential Doctrines, its security commitments to Israel and its elaborate network of military bases and 5th Fleet in Bahrain and CENCOM forward base at Al Udeid base in the outskirt of Doha. However, the last decade has witnessed gradual reduction of US interests and perceptible drawdown owing to its strategic shift to the Asia-Pacific. The trend has gained momentum, producing numerous ripples of adjustment among its allies in the region and expansion of influence its geopolitical competitor. The scenario was clearer after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, August 2021. The momentum has further speeded up in the wake of Ukraine crisis which finds manifestation with the responses of the countries of the region to the crisis particularly by the US allies. The strategy of global powers towards the region in consonance with their changing national interests namely the US, China, Russia and India are also witnessing considerable changes. A probing analysis of the developments and actions of the powers in the region would provide a clear view of the evolving geopolitical patterns and its possible trajectory into the future. The central intent of the paper is to analyze the US moves, strategies and responses to have an American order in this strategic region, an essential element to retain its global primacy in the emerging World Order. Read More
The Fire Refuelled: Genesis of The Khalistan Conundrum
The extremist secessionist movement in favour of Khalistan was a contentious issue in India during the last two decades of the twentieth century. Epicentered in Punjab, the campaign put the entire nation in turmoil, endangering national security and leading to a series of events that included the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Only in the 1990s was the movement subdued after several attempts and interventions by the state forces. However, the sentiment is sustained outside the national borders, in countries with a considerable Sikh diaspora. Khalistani organisations continued to incite violence in the country and at Indian Embassies, High Commissions, and Consulates overseas. Arguably, the involvement of these elements was observed during the 2020-21 protests against the 'Three Farm Laws' in India. However, Amritpal Singh's rise and role in refuelling the movement in Punjab turned out to be a groundbreaking change in this conundrum. While his escape and arrest involve ambiguity, the recent trends suggest that the government keeps no interest in having a soft approach towards such miscreants. This notion is complemented by the mysterious deaths and disappearances of prominent Pro-Khalistani overseas. Back home, the domestic politics of Punjab has already thrown upon new political combinations, which may complicate the situation further. Read More
Canada: Bogged In A Swamp Of Its Own Making
Much is being said across the world about the massive controversy between India and Canada, that was triggered by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement in his parliament, accusing India and its law-enforcement agencies of the targeted killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar; a wanted criminal with a Interpol arrest warrant in his name, who was given safe haven by Canada in-spite of his association to terrorists activities. Read More
China’s Interests in Taliban 2.0 led Afghanistan Two Years after the U.S. Withdrawal
Although landlocked, Afghanistan has always occupied position of geopolitical significance. Afghanistan has been meeting point of four ecological and cultural areas: West Asia, Central Asia, Indian subcontinent and Far East, for Pamir Mountains intrude into Chinese Xinjiang (Dupree, 1973). On its east and south, Afghanistan shares a border with Pakistan, which is the country’s gateway to South Asia. On its west, sits Iran, a major power in Middle East. On north, it shares vast border with Central Asian republics of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, which were part of Soviet Union during last century. To northeast Afghanistan shares a small border with China and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (Krishnan and Johny, 2022). Read More
Dimensions of integrated coastal and maritime security policy and humanitarian considerations
This paper briefly examines the humanitarian aspects related to integrated coastal and maritime security policy of governments with a brief reference to India. In this study the idea of national security is approached as the wholesome concept of national governance towards maximising human well-being of the people of a nation in the future perspective. It is important for governments to understand the human problem beyond the beaten track of strategic analysis where conventional and decrepit ideologies still ride herd being familiar and convenient while decision making. Serious thinking is necessary for execution on ground especially when global demographic density is increasing. Much of it will naturally percolate to coastal areas and near shore sectors. Coastal areas are demographic attractors since yore. This situation, coupled with the already experiencing sea level rise, can complicate the scenario worldwide and can turn out to be yet another tragic human experience in the history of the world that may defy solutions if not pre-empted. This also calls for upgrading existing humanitarian regimes shifting focus from mere military basics most of which are archaic and cannot support impending challenges of human system. This paper does not look into the military matters of humanitarian law and principles. The attention here is on the interfacial maritime domain that demands certain exclusivity while planning for the overall governance by national security. Read More
India’s Growth Engine Surging Ahead
The Republic of Bharat, the most populous country with its rapid growing economies in the world, is considered as a major power and heading for economic superpower. As of today, the Indian economy’s domestic dynamics continue to be strong through negative cross border spill overs and adverse global developments can act anytime as a deterrent to achieve the potential high growth path in current financial year. Read More
Threat Analysis of Indian Coastal Infrastructures
India is one of the countries in the world having a very large coastline. With the large Indian Ocean towards the south, the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian Sea in the west, India is an important player in the Indo-Pacific region and is also the net security provider in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). There are many strategic national infrastructure assets located near our coastlines like ports, container terminals, oil refineries, etc. which contribute towards the economy. At the same time, it also has various defense and research-based infrastructure like Missile testing ranges, Space Research facilities, naval bases, etc. which are necessary for India's security needs. With the increasing Chinese activities in the Indian Ocean, it's very important to give attention towards India's coastline security. Hence, it's necessary to ensure that India's large coastlines serve to enhance our economy, promote trade and cooperation with our friendly neighborhood countries, and at the same time, ensure that its vast areas are well protected by the highest possible defense practices to ensure India's national security. This article will evaluate the possible threats to our economic and security infrastructure along our coastlines. Read More
Nuclear Proliferation and China
The global landscape of nuclear weapons proliferation has been a topic of significant concern and debate for decades. As nations pursue their strategic interests and strive to assert their positions on the world stage, the acquisition and expansion of nuclear capabilities continue to shape international relations and security dynamics. In recent years, the nuclear activities of China have drawn increased attention, warranting a comprehensive analysis of its motivations, implications, and the resulting international concerns. This research paper provides an overview of China's stance on nuclear non-proliferation efforts, its participation in international organizations, and its export control regulations. Despite China's claims of active involvement in non-proliferation initiatives, evidence suggests its involvement in nuclear proliferation scandals, such as providing Pakistan with nuclear bomb designs. Read More
Book: Exercise of Power: American Failures, Successes, and a New Path Forward in the Post-Cold War
The book Exercise of Power: American Failures, Successes, and a New Path Forward in The Post-Cold War published by Alfred A. Knopf, A division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York, written by a distinguished public servant Former Secretary of Defense of United States and author of acclaimed # 1 Bestseller memoir Duty. His appointment as Secretary of Defense of United States was culmination of a career in National Security that spanned over four decades ad included appointments as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Deputy National Security Advisor and Director of Central Intelligence Agency. Read More