In a democratic setup like ours, national security should be concern of every citizen. In this framework, we can’t and should not have at least one liberty – to say that government will take care of everything. Vibrant and consciously thinking society acting in unison for betterment of the nation is the criteria for a strong and secure democratic nation.

Our Vision
Build a strong, secure and prosperous nation through a united and awakened society.

Our Mission
Analyse and evolve policies and solutions on National Security with a three-pronged approach of Initiate – Interact – Influence by engaging all stakeholders related with integrated national security.
Our Experts
The professional diversity of thinkers and scholars has strengthened FINS and we continue to build upon that strength.
Our Experts
FINS Fellowship
We offer fellowship to career professionals and researcher who want to increase their knowledge and potential.
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Internship at FINS will play an important role in building career path of young leaders.