Changing Contours of Strategy In The Age Of Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing is inspired by the laws of Quantum Physics. The goal of quantum computer is to perform fast processing in less amount of time. It‘s like you get computing power of lakhs of computer server systems combined in a single chip. Quantum computing represent the data in the form of states. In a typical computing paradigm, the data in each physical state is represented as binary ―0‖ or ―1‖. However, in quantum computing paradigm, each quantum state can maintain both binary ―0‖ and ―1‖ simultaneously, officially called Qubits (quantum bits). The QuBits operate on the two properties that create quantum effect i.e. superposition and entanglement where QuBit is the unit of quantum information. A Quantum computer will need multiple qubits to operate. Read More
Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), Conspiracy theories and India
Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19) is an infectious disease caused by a virus from SARS family, denominated as SARS-CoV-2. A Chinese Ophthalmologist from Wuhan Central hospital in China, Dr. Li Wenliang, was the first whistle-blower who warned his colleagues on December 30th, 2019 of seven confirmed SARS Coronavirus cases of unknown subtype and asked them to inform their friends and families to take due care. Dr. Li and seven other whistle- blowers from Wuhan were admonished by The Police Department for spreading ―misleading information‖ on the internet about COVID-19.
Dr. Li himself contracted the viral infection while attending a SARS-CoV-2 infected shopkeeper from Huanan Seafood market with a heavy viral load. He lost his life while battling COVID-19 on February 7th, 2020. Read More
Indo – Pacific Quad: Beyond Geo-Strategic Construct and Confluence of Two Seas
U.S. President Donald Trump‘s decision to use the term ̳Indo-Pacific‘ to describe a region that is more commonly known as the ̳Asia Pacific‘, during his extended tour of the region in November 2017 surprised many observers, including those in India. But the conception of the ̳Indo-Pacific‘ has steadily gained traction in recent years amidst China‘s rise and growing interests in the Indian Ocean and India‘s expanding footprint in the Pacific Ocean. According to Raja Mohan (2018) the rise of China and emergence of India are reshaping the world‘s political geography. As a neighbour of China, India feels multiple consequences of China‘s rapidly growing national power. The essence of change from ̳Asia Pacific‘ to ̳Indo-Pacific‘ is the new emphasis on India‘s role in shaping the regional order as India has become world‘s sixth largest economy gaining immense significance in influencing the world around it (Raja Mohan, 2018). Read More
Shanghai Cooperation Organization – an opportunity and a Challenge
An annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, on 13th and 14th June 2019. This is the first international meeting held after Narendra Modi was elected as Prime Minister of India for the second time. In 2017, both India and Pakistan were accepted as permanent members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. With this decision, Russia and China dominated SCO was expanded to South Asia and problems in South Asia, especially between India and Pakistan got a platform other than SAARC. For India, the membership of SCO is important as it is an opportunity to establish itself as an ―Asian power‖ and to build connectivity with central Asia. Read More
The Blue Dot initiative
This new initiative was unveiled by US Trade Secretary Wilbur Ross at the Indo-Pacific Business Forum held on the sidelines of the 35th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok in early November 2019.
This is named after astronomer Carl Sagan‘s observation that Earth looked like a ̳pale blue dot‘ when viewed from space.
Blue Dot Network was announced by OPIC‘s Executive Vice President David Bohigian at the Indo-Pacific Business Forum in Bangkok, Thailand (Mahmood, 2019). Read More