SAGAR Discourse 1.0 – Ocean Partnership (2017)

SAGAR Discourse 1.0 is the first in the series of annual international conference planned by FINS for providing an opportunity of discourse and fruitful dialogue among like-minded partners in the strategic sphere across the world. The chosen terrain for this year’s discourse was the Ocean from where it all began billions of years ago on this blue planet.

The objective of SAGAR Discourse is a scholarly examination of the issues related to integrated ocean governance for the advantage of all parties in a win-win situation invoking the concept of ocean property comprising ocean advantage (strategic and tactical benefits of the ocean), ocean resources, oceanic islands, and ocean environment and climate. Maximisation of ocean property related to a geopolitical entity is the desired outcome of integrated national security governance. Participation is the key in dealing with a colossal and multidimensional global commons such as the ocean with comparatively limited jurisdictional averment. Though the strategic perimeter is vast— as vast as the ocean itself—the discourse aims at selecting topics of importance related to the ocean as presentations, panel discussions and guest dialogues.

A brief Report of this conference is available for download.

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