Paleri’s musings: China is not an extremity—so says physics…

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Dynamic human systems spin on axes linking two poles on either end of each axis. Human systems are normally dynamic unless the population dives into Alzheimer’s or its likes. That means there will be polarity in any formal human system at all times. The polarity is situated at either end of the axis. The system balances in bipolarity. (Heard about bipolar disease? It ain’t bad to blow fuse once a while).

Human systems would be bipolar; still, it can wobble like a top. I answered an American friend when he asked whether the world would be unipolar with America on top when the Soviet Union micronised in 1991 and dissolved the day after Christmas. Mind you; for Russians, there was no Christmas. It was banned post-1917 atheistic revolution. It restarted in 1992, a year after micronisation. Russians celebrate Christmas on 7 January along with Ethiopia and Greece. Jesus knows.

There will be two poles at the end of the axis around which the human system’s spin. Each will be occupied by two formal entities based on power in the respective faculty. There are multiple axes for global systems. Geostrategy, therefore, requires multiple axes schema to explain correlation of variables. The global human system has multiple axes each with a powerful geo-entity at one of the two poles based on the power factor—politics and religion, as of now. The rest of the lesser mortal turn around them centrifuging all the time. They have a choice. Either spin without making much noise like clothes in a top-loaded washing machine, enjoying the drudgery, or keep pushing to the pole and replace the one there. The latter is quite difficult. If strategically planned a human system can reach one of the poles and settle by replacing the incumbent. But holding on there as a counterweight is more difficult than climbing up.

One pole will be countered by another and the flux between them will serve dynamic damping. Vacillations in the flux density decide the system profile which in turn determines growth and decline of the system. All along, the humans in between will bear the outcomes—good or bad. There is no choice, but to enjoy like the Corona conundrum.

Within this matrix, the people of India have no reason to worry provided they have a government that governs. But it is important to know that China is not occupying any of the two poles yet. And the way it goes, it is no likely China reach there in the near future. Nor India; it’s not necessary, if it can rationally deal with China, and the rest of it globally including those within India.


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