Date & Time:july 19, 2021 5:00PM IST
Dr Antonina Luszczykiewicz will talk about China-India border disputes with a focus on recent clashes and its impact on the Indo-Pacific region.

Dr Antonina Luszczykiewicz is a specialist in the political and cultural history of China, India, and China-India relations. She received international grants and scholarships to support her research interests from the American-Polish Kosciuszko Foundation, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Confucian Scholarship of China. She published several books and articles focusing on China-India relations and the United States, the image of Indians and Chinese in literature and film, and the Cold War discourses and narratives in the Asian context. She has collaborated with experts on public and international policy issues in journals and magazines, including The Harvard International Review, The SAIS Review of International Affairs, The National Interest, South China Morning Post, and The Diplomat